Comparison of 3D TLM Meshing Techniques for Modeling Microwave Components

J. L. Herring and W. J. R. Hoefer

13th Annual Review of Progress in Applied Computational Electromagnetics (ACES), Monterey, California USA, March 17-21 1997, pp 1410-1417.


The application of graded mesh and multigrid techniques to the modeling of microwave components in 3-dimensions with the TLM method are discussed. Comparisons are made for graded mesh and multigrid interfaces in a waveguide, for a non-touching axial strip placed in a waveguide, and for a microstrip impedance step. The issues of appropriate excitation and absorbing boundary conditions are addressed. It is shown that multigrid techniques provide an effective means of reducing the mesh resolution away from discontinuities.

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  1. The uniform fine mesh used for the non-touching axial strip example was 30x30x93 nodes, not 30x30x96 nodes.
  2. In figure 11, the height of the microstrip should be described by "d" not "h", to be consistent with the axes labels in figures 12 and 13.